2019 Inquiry Learnings

Inquiry 2019.
Play-based learning and Oral language.
This was my inquiry intention which I set when I joined PES at the beginning of Term 3.

My inquiry this year I will investigate the impact of Walker Play based learning
techniques in my New Entrant classroom. 
I am particularly interested in the relationship between play opportunities
to develop oral language and the impact of this on learners writing.

Fridays mornings in term 3, and 4 were set up for free play opportunities.  In term 4 play opportunities were supplemented with outdoor play, such as the sandpit, playhouse, and painting.
These proved very popular with the children and made for rich discussions.  These group and individual discussions allowed for the gifting of topic specific language.  It was pleasing to see the children using this language within conversations and later in their writing.  However because free play experiences means that not all the children are engaging in the same play it lessened the ability for me to build classwide discussions.

I found that the most significant effects on writing were found when all the students undertook the same play experience.  The downside of this is the reduced student agency in play as the activity was chosen by the teachers and generally linked to our term inquiry or other learning focus.

Some of the most successful play experiences provided included blowing bubbles, free play on the school playground,

and planting seeds.

These shared experiences were enriched with use of ipads to record video, and photographs which were discussed, and examined during writing modelling.  These were also blogged on the class page.  This was very successful as it allowed for moments in time to be shared and built on through oral language and as planning prompts for written language.  Emergent writers who are still learning to form letters and words were able to draw pictures and dictate stories which captured the events of the day including some specific language.

It became more challenging to undertake this inquiry in term 4 because the number of children grew significantly and some of the these new entrants had some specific learning needs.  This made it more difficult to manage the play spaces as the new students had to learn the norms of behaviour in our space.  Term 4 also had many events which meant the opportunities to timetable free play were lessened.

Change in practise.
Reflecting on this inquiry has led me to make the following changes to my practice. I will plan and provide 1 play experience per week which will allow for more collaborative discussions, extended vocabulary and will be easier to manage the learners to insure all are engaged and safe.

I will also be planning for play on various days during the week to lessen the impact of Friday events disrupting the play programme.


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