Digital Fluency Intensive 2 - Workflow


Digital Fluency Intensive 2 - Workflow

Connecting with Manaiakalani - Dorothy Burt


  • What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

Todays session with Dorothy unpacked the Learn dimension of our Learn-Create-Share pedagogical framework.  It was interesting to hear Dorothy explore Learn/Ako and the synergies which digital learning allows.  

This railway line was shown as a visual metaphor representing the partnership between technology and effective pedagogy.  Just introducing a device into the classroom will not make a valuable difference to learning outcomes in and of itself.  In order for digital technology to accelerate learning some things must happen this was explained using the R.A.T.E  acronym. 

Recognise - we must recognise the role of the teacher.

Effective teaching practice is crucial for accelerated student outcomes. Effective teachers will still build strong relationships with their learners,  provide timely feedback,  scaffold from prior knowledge etc, but they will do this in a digitally enabled manner.  

Amplify - we can use technology to broaden our teaching and learning opportunities.

As teachers in a digital world we have access to numerous online resources to assist us in delivering a relevant and engaging programme of learning.  I often use social media, apps and websites to give me ideas to use in my class.  By doing this I am sharing in the successes of other teachers and giving my students access to a wider variety of learning experiences.  I feel this is crucial in the community that I  serve.  My learners may not have had as many or varied experiences as other New Zealand five year olds.  However using a digital pedagogy I can remove many of the barriers to access 

Turbo Charge - we can provide our learners with digital affordances that take their learning to new levels. 

Teachers are able to provide a variety of authentic and creative ways for learners to share their knowledge and understandings.  Our pedagogy also has a unique ability to connect our whanau with the learning of their tamariki.  Parents have a direct window into the classroom. They can see on a daily basis what their children are learning and how they are communicating that learning.

Effective Practise - the cumulation of the above factors to achieve accelerated achievement.

Connecting with Digital - Vicki Archer

  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

Google Keep
I enjoyed learning about this app and could see myself using it often.
It would be really useful to share information that I have found online with other teachers in my collaborative space, and entire team.  The Grab Image Text function was a great way to capture information in the moment.  I often handwrite notes during PD sessions as I find it helps me to order my thinking and tease out points which are salient to me.  However I then have the problem of collating these handwritten notes into my drive for future reference.  Keep will solve that problem for me.
  • What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

Google Meet.
Google meet was something that we were all faced with learning last year.  As I managed the meets for our team during online learning I did become familiar with alot of the features.  However I still learnt some valuable tips today.  I learnt that when sharing my screen to show a video it is better to share a tab as this allows for better sound and picture quality.  During our create time when we recorded ourselves in a Meet I also discovered thanks to my buddy Lisa that I needed to mute my own mic when playing the clip to avoid echo.  The extension  Meet Attendance will save me alot of angst during future device noho's and online learning as it can automatically collate participants in a meet.   Much more efficient and accurate than my pen and paper method.
Google Calendar
I will be making more use of the calendar app now as a way to set up meets, and by asking to share my team members calendars to more easily schedule events/ meeting .


  1. Kia ora Deb. It sounds like you've picked up a lot of Google Meet tips. The attendance extension is super handy. I think you just need to change the permissions on your video (or the whole folder) so that we can view it.

    1. Thanks for the heads up Phil, I have changed the sharing permissions on the google meet recordings folder.

  2. Whooooh! What an epic blogpost, go Whaea Debs! Love this reflection, and write up of the learning you've been doing on your DFI day. Great video example of using the record function in Google Meet also!


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