During our KPMG Hui we were invited to share data we had gathered over term one.
Data gathering has proven to be one of the most challenging aspects of my project to date. In our new entrant classrooms summative assessment of oral language is undertaken using the "Record of Oral language" test. In this test the teacher will say a simple sentence and the student will repeat back the sentence. Learners are assessed on the accuracy of their responses and their use of correct syntax. A number of students do find this challenging, especially those children who's home language is not english.
Example of "ROL" assessment |
Although this test provides some valuable data that supports early reading, such as working memory and understanding of the structure of the english language, it did not provide a measure of the child's expressive language.
So I used a reading assessment which provided a visual cue for students to view and then describe. I have undertaken one to one interviews with 10 NE learners. These interviews were audio recorded and transcribed.
These interviews provided some valuable insights into the learners ability. It also showed clearly that the prompts and questioning of the teacher made a great deal of difference in the students responses. Students were more productive when I made a comment or repeated their words back to them - rather than asking a specific question. Although this was great insight, I realised that it didn't provide a framework which allowed me to assess progression in students oral language.
I shared these interviews to Speech and Language therapists who have been working with teachers in our school to increase teachers skills in facilitating oral language. From this discussion I have decided to develop a measure based on the LLi assessment.
Central to the baseline data collection is a video recording of the child’s participation and socio-communicative skills in a typical interaction with other peers and their teacher. Baseline data is also collected on the child’s emergent literacy skills, phonological awareness skills, classroom oral language measures, reading and numeracy measures. ( https://nzcurriculum.tki.org.nz/System-of-support-incl.-PLD/Learner-initiated-supports/Language-and-Learning-intervention-LLi )
This assessment will form the baseline measure on which I can assess the effectiveness of my planned oral language programme when my class arrives in term 2.
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