2024 Teaching as Inquiry - Motivating student achievement with specific feedback and rewards.

As we reach the half way point of the school year I am able to measure the progress of my focus learners and assess the efficacy of my interventions.

My inquiry question was:

How can I accelerate the reading progress of my group of Tier 2
learners by providing motivating feedback?

Of my original group of 7 learners, 2 were dropped from the Tier 2 program due to extreme absenteeism.

The remaining 5 students were, 3 male Yr2 learners, and 2 female Yr3s. Their results are seen below.

All students made progress during the period of Tier 2 lessons. This can be seen from their summative test results and anecdotally all were eager participants during lessons. The students were very engaged in achieving rewards based on their achievements during the lessons and became quite eager to time themselves during phoneme manipulation tasks. This was particularly evident with the Yr3 learners. The Yr 2 learners were more motivated by end rewards than competition against themselves.

Overall it is hard to assess how much of the achievement gains made by the students were the result of the reward structures I trialled but either way it was rewarding for myself and the students to see the improvement in their literacy skills.

Below are graphic representations of student results.


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