Term 3 update

This term my MIT focus has been implementing the use of my website into my everyday teaching practise.   

As new students have arrived at school this term and entered my classroom I have been able to identify 6 target students.   These students have presented with variety of oral language needs.  This aligns well with my website design as I have been able to assess their individual needs and come up with practical teaching interventions to build into my class timetable.

This process has enabled me to further refine my  "How might we statement" to 

"How might we target interventions to improve the oral language proficiency of New Entrant learners?"

With this front of mind I have shared my website with colleagues both within my school and other Manaiakalani classrooms.  I am sure that this will provide me with very useful feedback.

The MIT cohorts upcoming attendance and participation at the Cook Island Teachers Summit has also been top of mind in the last few weeks.  Thus I have began preparing my presentation and workshop materials.  This undertaking has allowed me to stand back and to reflectively appraise my project so far.  I think this has brought into focus my original motivation and strengthened my resolve to work towards creating a valuable resource for teachers and their students.


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